Follow the tweet, Not the tweeter

FactFakeFunny presents key political figures and candidates tweets without author's identity, helping users build unbiased perception of the message.

Discover facts, expose fakes, and enjoy the humor without bias.

Fact, Fake and Funny is a unique platform designed to reduce the influence of people's biases that might come from knowing the author's identity.

Fact Fake Funny Emojies

Don't live in a bubble

Follow topics, instead of individuals. Expose yourself to multiple viewpoints, and you can develop a more nuanced understanding of an issue.

Living in other people's bubble

No love for bots.

Social media pushes you to never-ending arguments with bots and trolls. FactFakeFunny let users pick credible sources on various topics. The leaderboard get build based on users reaction to tweets without author's identity. Helping users to make informed and educated perception.

Fact Fake Funny Emojies

How and why?

How does it work?

World is not black and white. There are many shades of grey. FactFakeFunny help users to observe news in its true colors, without individuals and algorithematic influences .

Adding Topics
F3 creates a topics for major election races. Users can also recommend a topic. If the topic get enough votes from other users, then the topic get added to F3.
Adding Authors to Topics
F3 strives to ensure that all legitimate sides of a topic are well represented, creating a balanced and diverse range of perspectives. Users have the ability to suggest authors. If an author receives enough votes from other users, they will be added to the topic.
User Voting
User following topics receives tweets in near realtime. The tweets wont have authors name or identity. User can vote on the tweets. After voting, the user will see the author.
The platform then collects user voting data and uses it to create a leaderboard that shows which author's tweets are considered more fact-based, fake, or humorous.

Don't let the speaker's name impact your perception of the message Join FactFakeFunny

From the Blogs

We are constantly adding new resources to help you understand the world of fact, fake, and funny. Check out our latest blog posts below.